The biggest sin is that the camera regularly cause problems. But, while the tight controls are as good as they ever were, not everything has aged as gracefully. From the zoomed gun-targeting to smashing crates and barrels for items, it is clear Sebastian and Leon Kennedy trained at the same dojo. The Evil Within's over-the-shoulder third-person action controls also invite comparison with Resident Evil 4. In RE4 I could see off every single attacker with some clever play, but in The Evil Within I soon found myself bereft of ammo and having to stealthy kill opponents from the shadows to survive. A perfect example is when entering the first dilapidated village to discover dozens of hostile villagers. It is this covertness that separates The Evil Within's gameplay from that of Resident Evil 4. Creeping through the levels you can choose to avoid enemies, distract them with hurled objects, or sneak up on unsuspecting foes with your trusty knife. This leads to an increased emphasis on stealth.

But there is a balance to this with Sebastian far from invaluable and only a limited supply of ammo to be scavenged from the world. Sebastian himself is a powerful protagonist who can put to use any weapons he finds, will punch anything bold enough to bite him, and shank a shambling fool from behind given half a chance.
#The evil within 2 game download for android Pc
The Evil Within is a third-person survival horror game that is trying to walk a fine line between the action focused horror titles regularly found on console, and the more disempowering PC indie titles. Stalked by the malevolent spirit Ruvik, Sebastian must fight his way through nightmarish visions and defeat hideous creatures as he tries to discover the truth behind the evil at work. Arriving to discover dozens dead, he is drawn into a nightmarish world that crisscrosses fantasy and reality. The story follows Police Sargent Sebastian Castellanos as he investigates a disturbance at Beacon Mental Hospital. Early scenes from both titles are almost identical, taking place in a similarly ravaged villages filled with twisted human opponents, a chainsaw wielding mad man, and peculiar puzzles. Nowhere is this clearer than when comparing The Evil Within to Resident Evil 4 (another Mikami title). It is no real surprise that The Evil Within takes inspiration from Japan’s survival horror titles - after all the game’s director, Shinji Mikami, is responsible for some of the genre's most seminal moments.